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Journal number 3 ∘ Revaz Javakhishvili
Japans strategy for sustainable and secure economic development

Expanded Summary


In the absence of appropriate natural-resource factors, Japan was able to realize in a historically short period of time, by taking the correct socio-economic development course and implementing appropriate economic reforms, an unprecedented revival of the countrys economy, which is known in history as the "Japanese miracle". However, since the 90s of the last century, its economic development has experienced serious fluctuations and difficulties, which is why a new long-term strategy of economic growth has been developed, which is focused on ensuring the sustainable and safe development of the country. The strategy is complex and includes three specific action plans:

1. Japan's industrial revitalization plan, the main directions of which are: accelerating the implementation of strategic reform programs; reforming the labor market and developing human resources; promotion of scientific-technical and information innovations; turning the country into an advanced information society; Increasing Japan's competitiveness and turning it into an international business center; Small and medium business development.

2. The strategic market creation plan envisages: improving health care and prolonging healthy life; to create clean and economically efficient energy; creating and perfecting convenient and safe economic security of New Tobi; The formation of regional associations, the development of which will be based on the use of unique local resources. The plan is focused on: creation of ecologically clean, safe and economic energy based on the use of the latest technologies; on the expansion of Japan's energy market and the growth of its share in foreign markets; on turning the country into the No. 1 global innovator; on the development of venture business and the improvement of the information system.

3. The strategy for achieving global advantage will be based on: strategic business relations and partnerships with other countries; implementation of strategic initiatives aimed at conquering global markets; on the mobilization and growth of financial and material resources necessary for sustainable and safe socio-economic development. The strategy involves attracting foreign human resources, goods and capital, and expanding the participation of Japanese businesses in international operations, and domestically, facilitating partnerships between the public and private sectors.

In the conditions of globalization and the deepening of Japan's integration into the world economy, maintaining its position in foreign markets, finding its new segments and expanding the area of activity remains one of the priority directions for Japan. At the same time, the country should take care to maintain and strengthen its competitiveness in foreign markets, to export "integrated system" abroad, to realize production and social infrastructure projects in order to provide foreign customers not only with equipment, but also to offer them design processing, projecting, to carry out construction works, technology and "Know How", exporting engineering and educational services. This will significantly contribute to the increase in the volume of added value obtained by Japanese companies from overseas operations.

The practical realization of Japan's sustainable and secure economic development strategy implies a complex approach to the actual solution of the tasks defined by its separate plans. The strategy envisages the joint involvement of the state and all levels of business in this matter, deepening and expanding their partnership relations. The state, using appropriate economic levers, must ensure the stability of the country's macroeconomic indicators, which will create appropriate conditions for the smooth development and competitiveness of business at all levels, the acceleration of the country's socio-economic development, and its sustainability and security to a new level.